The Education Company


Click HERE to read How Galion Public Schools Teachers and Students Reap The Rewards of A Clear Plan

Click HERE to read how East Central High School Turned Things Around!

Case Studies

Click HERE to read How Galion Public Schools Teachers and Students Reap The Rewards of A Clear Plan

Click HERE to read how East Central High School Turned Things Around!


Our success is not determined by our balance sheet or stock portfolio, but by the student lives as a result of the work we have done over these last 27 years.

For us to boast about our success does not mean much and is just self-serving. However, when our customers mention to us that we did a good job for them, helping to implement solutions to their discipline concerns . . . now we have something to share.

For you to better understand who some of our customers are, and what they have to say about The Education Company and why they have referred us, please see below:

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To explore some discipline resources we have for school administrators, click here.


