Learn effective, ongoing communication techniques for working with all parents to ensure a positive relationship between home and school resulting in greater student success.

More effective parent/teacher problem solving conferences, reduction in negative parent interactions, and increased positive support for teachers’ academic and behavior programs and teacher empowerment are all direct benefits.

Teachers are given the skills to effectively communicate with parents so that they can work together toward the best possible education of their children.

The components of the program are as follows:

  •  Parent behaviors
  •  Simulation role-play
  •  Concern, professionalism and confidence
  •  Educator roadblocks
  •  Parent roadblocks
  •  Consistency and follow-through
  •  Expectations and contact
  •  Telephone communication techniques
  •  Three-way coaching
  •  Face to face conferencing
  •  Disarming criticism
  •  Language foggers
  •  Getting commitment
  •  Helping parents with their children

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